Saturday, May 30, 2009

My Goals

Disclaimer: I will be editing this often. Maybe.

My goals for this summer are:
  1. Posted at least 10 decent videos. Am I crazy?
  2. One of the ten videos must be a song that I've learned.
  3. Blog at least once a week (I don't think this should be a problem)
  4. Exercise more. (note to self when feeling lazy: just do it while you watch daytime tv, fatty)
  5. Go to the beach more often, after all it's only a 30 minute drive.
  6. Update twitter at least once.
  7. Buy a new camera.
  8. Actually take pictures on DailyBooth and LookBook.
  9. Start seriously saving up for a mac.
  10. Get a new phone.
  11. Dress up more.
  12. Realize myself.
Deadline: Sunday August 23, 2009

Friday, May 29, 2009

I'm ready to become a part of something big.

I've been alive for a while now and in this time I've learned at least one thing. If I feel the need to do something, I should just do it.

I have a diary entry from December of 2006 saying that I should start video blogging on youtube because a few people do it and I think it would be fun to have friends on the internet in a totally non-creepy way. Well I made a few but never posted them. Why? no idea. Then 2007 rolls around and just about everyone and their mother gets a youtube channel and people are getting famous and then the partner progam happens. It was pretty cool to watch and frustrating because I didn't get to be a part of that.

Pretty much the same thing happened with Harry Potter. I didn't speak up and become a big part of the fandom, I just watched it go by.

So I'm ready to be a part of something big. I'm ready to start using my voice. Are you ready to listen, watch and join me?

Monday, May 18, 2009

Random News

Man, I wish I would have actually interacted with the fandom when it was still new, I wish I would have known about wizard rock bands... I probably would have started one with my sister a long time ago. But now I feel like its waaaay too late to even talk about harry potter anymore because it feels mostly over.

I'm not going to the 789 gathering because I may be going to London!!! whoo!

I have been reading Haley Hoovers blog religiously for a few weeks now and I have this empty space where our friendship should be. Hayley if you find this: I'm sorry my grammar and English in general is disgusting.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Listening to Jet

I like this band a lot. I have for quite a while but never bought any of their music. Just waited for it to come on mtv hits. I just bought two of their cd's on itunes and I like them a lot.

I've been taking motorcycle lessons. I think I'll get my license within the next month depending on when I can get to the dmv. I'm excited about getting my own bike to commute when the weather is nice. It'll definitely save gas.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009